Brian Berney

408 days ago

The Versarien placing at 3p – another black hole needing plugging? The Brian Berney law suit?

Why do such a fund raise now folks ask? Because it can is the reason, thanks to thuggish share plugging involving bent journalism and forward selling, Versarien (VRS) has an extra £275,000 net cash. Versarien says it is going to be spent on growth opportunities and working capital but that is obviously a lie. Some may go on funding ongoing losses. It could go on giving Neill Ricketts a £197,000 payoff. Or….


1552 days ago

Versarien – I am sorry to be a LinkedIn pedant but the company really needs to come clean

Versarien (VRS) insists that it has one full time employee in the United States, a Mr Brian Berney. But does it?
